Moh. Anwar, M.Pd.I
Until now, there are still many Arabic teachers who do not have an adequate understanding of the psychological approach to learning and how to apply it in learning Arabic. This condition causes the learning method applied is still traditional and conventional. As a result, many students feel bored and find it difficult to digest the subject matter so that learning outcomes are not optimal. By understanding the psychological approach in learning Arabic, teachers are expected to be able to understand the nature of the subject matter and choose and determine the appropriate method according to the psychological tendencies of students in relation to the subject matter given. Through this paper, the author tries to refresh the memory and understanding of Arabic teachers about various psychological approaches and their application efforts in learning Arabic. There are at least four kinds of learning psychology approaches proposed, namely the behaviorism approach, the cognitivism approach, the humanism approach, and the constructivism approach. The four kinds of approaches are comprehensively reviewed and their application in Arabic learning.
Keywords: Approach, Psychology, Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Humanism, Constructivism
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